Thursday 11 February 2010


We have faced many obstacles when filming regarding the girl who was meant to appear in our film and one of the members of our group not attending when we had made plans to film. We ended up starting filming very late into the year which has left us with not much time to film the entire video and edit the outcomes.

In the end me and Deliah decided to continue on our own and went out the the camera to practice depth of field and other techniques at one of our locations. The camera which we used was a Canon XM2. When practising depth of field we were changing the shutter speed, apperture and video gain to darken and lighten to shots. This put us in a better position for when we started filming as we were already familiar with the techniques which we were going to use. We also went out to look at possible sections of the woodland area which were most suitable for what we wanted to have in our video.

The first lot of filming we did went well considering the weather conditions which we had to film in which was freezing cold, but then we had another set back when the girl we were using decided to pull out, leaving us once again without anyone to film. Therefore this footage became useless to us. Then one of my friends agreed to be in the video.

5Th February: We started the first lot of filming on this day with the girl who is going to be in the rest of the video. In the shoot we were able to get the scenes of the first location shot. We now just need to go back once more to add a small section into the sequence of scenes. We are now in the position of being able to edit this section of footage. Phoebe was not present at this shoot so me and Deliah continued without her so we did not fall behind even further. To make the set look how we wanted to we painted some leaves of trees and on the ground to give the location better look.

On 19Th February, myself and Lilah went to our second location, which is Eastbourne Beach, and filmed the remainder of our music video. We used various parts of the beach to create the atmosphere and to give of the right vibe which we wanted to achieve. I had previously written in my blog about using a 1920's dress on our actress, this proved unachievable due to cost, so instead i used one of my own, which we both felt gave us a successful result. The dress was a plain beige knee length dress, which in my opioion worked very well in the enviroment in which we were filming. We decided that it worked best if i took the role as Director and Lilah took the role of filming. this worked really well for us because we were both able to contribute our ideas for how we wanted it to look but then both of us having our own area to concentrate on and put our effort into. This led to the overall result being very successfull.
We completed filming on this day which then allowed us 5 weeks to be able to edit our footage into a music video.

Here are pictures of the two dresses which i spoke about above.

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