Tuesday 30 March 2010

Anaylsis of two adverts

This is an advert for the band 'Blacktop Mourning', advertising the album No Regret.

The colours used in the advert are primarily dark but it is as if there is a breakthrough of light in the centre of the top. This is as if they are spying through into a better world. It could be seen as you shouldn't regret anything so move forward as better things lies ahead. The element of the sunshine shows that there is some sort of happiness in this new place.

The font is very blunt and straight, suggesting that this is a serious album not one to listen to for a laugh but that the songs have a message to give out. The colours of the font are also very clear and stand out from the background very well. It is a very non-fussy album cover.

The image of the tree, deer and small girl could suggest something that is in one of the songs or maybe the theme of the album.

For my second analysis of an advert i have decided to analysis this one of Florence and the Machine advertising her new song 'Drumming Song'

The font used on this advert is typical of that found on all things related to Florence and the Machine, as this is her signature font, as soon as you see it you relate it to her.

The image is of Florence relaxing next to a drum, which of course is the relation to the song 'Drumming song'. So i think the composition of this advert is very effective in drawing your attention to the items in the images. The relaxed position of Florence in this picture suggest that the music is quite laid back. Also the use if items in this advert gives clues to the type of music which this is going to be.

The colours are very natural, there is nothing bright to make the image stand out as it would not go with the tone of the advert. You could also relate the subtle colours used to how the music will be, for example if a cover has dark and depressing colours it could suggest that the music is very solemn and sad, whereas from the colours of this advert we can interpret that the music is relaxed and chilled.

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